First dowload the file.

Run the following command to unzip its contents.

unzip -u

Then change directory to Addadshashanammu

cd Addadshashanammu/

We noticed that there are a lot of folders inside each one. So, we can either use Tab to autocomplete the path to the folders, until we reach to the deepest one.

Alternative, we can run this command when we are inside Addadshashanammu folder.

cd `find -printf '%d %p\n' | sort -n | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2-`

That in turn returns the deepest level of the folder structure.

bash: cd: ./Almurbalarammi/Ashalmimilkala/Assurnabitashpi/Maelkashishi/Onnissiralis/Ularradallaku/fang-of-haynekhtnamet: Not a directory
cd Almurbalarammi/Ashalmimilkala/Assurnabitashpi/Maelkashishi/Onnissiralis/Ularradallaku
cat fang-of-haynekhtnamet

We got the flag!