First, open up the terminal and using the following command initiate a connection with the server.

nc 57689

You have to md5 hash the presented text between quotes. To do that, you can apply this command.

echo -n "cholesterol" | md5sum

md5sum is used to verify file integrity and authenticity. Say for example you’ve downloaded an Operating System from the Internet. If you use md5sum, a string is being generated, so you can compare that with the string of the authenticated one.

md5sum Parrot-security-5.1.1_amd64.iso 
f321f27421ebb2d48a1399b1acc8b2b8  Parrot-security-5.1.1_amd64.iso

Lastly, convert the presented text 3 times and input it into the terminal and you will get the flag.