Open up the terminal and type the following command.

nc 51109

You will get an output. Copy that output and open up a terminal and type the following command.

print('picoCTF{gl17ch_m3_n07_' + chr(0x62) + chr(0x64) + chr(0x61) + chr(0x36) + chr(0x38) + chr(0x66) + chr(0x37) + chr(0x35) + '}')

The output you get from nc might look something different. The point is to understand what you are doing.

If you want to learn more about nc type in the terminal the following command.

man nc

There is something called ASCII table, that is in a sense different mappings of the same representation. For example, the Decimal 98 is the same as 0x62 in the hexadecimal format and the ASCII character for that is β€˜b’. Here is a link for the ASCII table in detail. So, to make things simpler, 0x62 is equal to β€˜b’, chr(0x64) is equal to ’d' and so on. That’s how we fill in the remaining characters of the flag.

Image Credit: ASCII Table